Gherkin Pickle Recipe
Did you know that gherkin is a fruit that, in addition to being delicious, has antioxidant power and strengthens our immune system? How about having gherkin always ready to be eaten in salads, as a filling for sandwiches or hamburgers, replacing the conventional cucumber pickle?
We are going to teach you how to prepare a delicious homemade gherkin pickle preserved in a brine with a light touch of spice, since we include ginger and dedo-de-moça pepper in this recipe!
Separate the ingredients of this gherkin pickle recipe and see how to prepare this delight here at TudoReceitas, with step-by-step photos!
Ingredients for making gherkin pickles:
5 units of gherkins (about 300 grams)
2 garlic cloves
½ cup of sugar (crystal or refined)
¾ cup of apple cider vinegar
¾ cup of filtered water
1 seedless finger pepper (optional)
black peppercorns (to taste)
fresh or dried rosemary (to taste)
1 teaspoon of grated ginger
½ teaspoon of salt
How to make gherkin pickles:
Separate the ingredients that will be used in the execution of this recipe for preserved gherkins.
How to clean gherkin? Wash, sanitize and remove the "thorns" from the gherkin, preserving its bark. Slice the gherkins into slices or lengthwise. Also slice the garlic and pepper (without the seeds) and grate the ginger.
Cook the water, vinegar, salt and sugar over medium heat. When it starts to boil, reduce the heat and leave for another 5 minutes, until the sugar has completely dissolved.
Tip: This pickle is very important for preserving the pickles and needs to cover all the ingredients in the pot.
In a sterilized glass jar, place the gherkin slices, pepper, garlic and grated ginger.
Add the black peppercorns and rosemary to the gherkin preserve pot.
Tip: You can substitute grained black peppers with mustard seeds, coriander seeds, cloves or other herbs and spices you prefer.
Pour the hot brine liquid over the ingredients in the pot.
With the help of a Japanese chopstick or a long toothpick, mix the ingredients to remove any air bubbles that have formed inside the pot, or just tap the pot lightly.
Then close the jar and let it cool to refrigerate.
Open the pickle jar preferably just 3 days later, to let the ingredients brown in the brine for that time. The gherkin pickles can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 15 days, remembering that the ingredients need to be covered with brine.
We hope you enjoyed the gherkin pickle recipe and enjoy this delight at any time. Enjoy your food!
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