Traditional Dutch Pie Recipe

Traditional Dutch Pie Recipe

Cookies, sugar, egg yolks, butter, sour cream, milk and chocolate: these are the only ingredients needed to prepare a delicious traditional Dutch pie! Despite its name, the origin of the Dutch pie is very Brazilian: it was born in Campinas in the 90s, by the hands of businesswoman Silvia Maria do Espírito Santo. Silvia had worked in Holland years before and named this pie as a tribute to her passage through that European country.

This ice-cold pie has become quite popular, to the point that nowadays it is a regular presence in several restaurants and parties! So, if you want to prepare the recipe for the real Dutch pie at home, continue here at TudoReceitas. Below we share all the details of the legitimate Dutch pie recipe, with the ingredients and quantities used by its creator. Check it out and do it soon!

Ingredients for making traditional Dutch pie:

 200 grams of butter at room temperature

 200 grams of sugar (1¼ cups)

 3 large gems or 4 medium gems

 2 cans of sour cream

 1 pack of Calypso biscuits

 1 pack of Mary biscuits

 1 coffee spoon of vanilla essence

To the roof:

 375 milliliters of milk

 25 grams of unsalted margarine

 1 tablespoon of sugar

 125 grams of chocolate milk

How to Make Traditional Dutch Pie:

Start by preparing the cream of the Dutch pie: beat the butter with the sugar in an electric mixer until a smooth paste, with the sugar grains dissolved. Add the yolks, one at a time, beating until combined.

Tip: To dissolve the sugar more easily, prefer to use refined sugar in the preparation of this ice-cold pie.

Then add the cream without the whey (reserve the whey on a plate) and beat this Dutch pie cream on low speed until incorporated.

Tip: The traditional Dutch pie recipe does not use gelatin in its preparation, the creator of the recipe ensures that if the recipe is prepared in the right way, the pie does not disassemble. In addition, it does not include condensed milk or Nest milk in the preparation.

Add the vanilla essence to the whey in the cream and dip the Maria cookies quickly into the mixture, preventing them from getting too soft. Arrange these cookies on the bottom of a removable background shape, in a single layer.

Tip: If your shape is not non-stick, line the bottom with aluminum foil. This is another tip from the creator of the traditional Dutch pie recipe.

Next, distribute the Calypso cookies around the pan, standing upright, with the chocolate side touching the pan (facing outwards). Add the cream prepared earlier and store the pie in the freezer for at least 24 hours.

After this time, prepare the topping: mix all the respective ingredients in a pan and cook for a few minutes, until it reduces well and forms a thick cream, stirring to avoid burning. Turn off the heat, wait for this syrup to cool and pour over the top of the pie. Return to freezer until ready to serve.

Your legitimate Dutch pie is ready! The recipe's creator recommends taking the pie out of the freezer a few hours before serving, with the ideal consistency being when the pie is firm but soft enough to cut with a knife without too much effort. Make this delicious recipe and let us know what you think in the comments!

Looking for more frozen pie recipes? Also be sure to:

traditional german pie

Strawberry pie with biscuit

Biscuit pie with Nest milk and chocolate

If you liked the traditional Dutch Pie recipe, we suggest you enter our Cold Pie Recipes category. You can also visit a list of the best Brazilian recipes.

Dutch original pie from Holland

If you are looking for the Dutch original pie recipe from Holland, we regret to inform you that it does not exist. There is no Dutch pie in the Netherlands, this dessert was created by Silvia Maria do Espírito Santo, from São Paulo, in 1990, to serve at her Bruges café, in Campinas.

Silvia worked as a housekeeper for a Dutch family and when she perfected the dessert recipe, she put 'Dutch' in the pie's name as a tribute. She admits that in Holland it's rare to find frozen desserts. As they are cold countries, people there prefer baked desserts and sweets, such as strudel, so frozen desserts are not very popular. You may be interested to read about the roasted milk blogpost/ milk with condensed recipe/ bread pudding recipe/ milk in bain marie recipe/ rooster broth recipe.


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